A hybrid MCDM model for personnel selection based on a novel Gray AHP, Gray MOORA and Gray MAUT methods in terms of business management: An application in the tourism sector


  • Emine GENÇ Department of International Trade and Logistics, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Bartin University, Bartın, Turkey
  • Murat Kemal Keleş Department of Transportation Services, Keçiborlu Vocational School, Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Isparta, Turkey
  • Aşkın Özdağoğlu Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business, Dokuz Eylul University, Buca, Izmir, Turkey




Tourism Sector, Personnel Performance Evaluation, Human Resources Management, Gray AHP, Gray MOORA, Gray MAUT, Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)


Personnel selection and high performance of personnel are crucial in businesses operating in the tourism sector. In response to this important issue, an application was conducted in a local hotel operating in Bartın, Turkey. The study analyzed the performance of service personnel working in the restaurant section of the hotel. The Gray AHP, Gray MOORA, and Gray MAUT methods were used in the analyses. The weights of the evaluation criteria used to measure the performance of service employees were determined using the Gray AHP method. The study evaluated three main criteria and eleven sub-criteria. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the most effective criteria in evaluating the service personnel working in the hotel restaurant were “Diction - effective and eloquent speaking ability” and “Effective Communication - the ability to effectively use verbal and non-verbal communication skills” under the main criterion of “Personal Characteristics,” and “Experience - knowledge and experience gained by working in a business operating in the tourism sector” under the main criterion of “Professional Characteristics.” The performance of five personnel working in the hotel restaurant was ranked separately using Gray MOORA and Gray MAUT, with identical rankings obtained in both methods. The study is considered beneficial both for the hotel management where the application was conducted and for businesses engaged in local hotel management. This application also introduced a hybrid model to the literature, utilizing Gray AHP-based Gray MOORA and Gray MAUT methods together.


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How to Cite

GENÇ, E., Keleş, M. K., & Özdağoğlu, A. (2024). A hybrid MCDM model for personnel selection based on a novel Gray AHP, Gray MOORA and Gray MAUT methods in terms of business management: An application in the tourism sector. Journal of Decision Analytics and Intelligent Computing, 4(1), 263–284. https://doi.org/10.31181/jdaic10024122024g