Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Decision Analytics and Intelligent Computing
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Journal of Decision Analytics and Intelligent Computing (JDAIC) is a refereed international forum to exchange analytical information, applied research outcomes and knowledge about data-driven decision analytics and intelligent computing involving a variety of innovative analytical methods.

Areas that include but are not limited to artificial intelligence, Big data analytics, computational intelligence, cloud computing, cognitive intelligence, decision support systems, expert systems, evolutionary computation, fuzzy set theory, machine learning, mathematical programming, multi-criteria decision making, natural computing, neutrosophic theory, neural networks, optimization, prescriptive analytics, quantum computing, rough set theory, soft computing, support vector machines, simulation, swarm intelligence.

The journal will publish papers in all application domains of decision analytics and intelligent computing including accounting, agriculture, bioinformatics, business intelligence, communications, crisis management, defence, energy and environment, engineering, finance, healthcare, human resources management, information systems, intelligent database management, logistics, marketing, manufacturing, materials, network management, power, production and operations management, project management, risk assessment, services management, supply chain, strategic management to name a few.

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Publication fee: There is no submission charge or publication fee. Publication in JDAIC is free of charge for the authors.

